World Heritage Site???

Question is… is pickleball here to stay… every pickleballer believes it is… so if it is a fad then ok tennis gave it some time until it goes away… if it is here to stay then it is time for it to give tennis back what it has taken and to now give it, it’s own space so it can thrive on its own… Banard Patk is big enough to support pickleball… pick a corner, by the wall, other side of court 5, near TCD entrance, or near the netball courts…
Question why didn’t pickleball pick on netball and take over the netball courts??? Why Tennis???
Yes it will cost to build pickleball courts… but when is it a good time to build a fantastic pickleball stadium… at the height of the boom… now… get to building… I am sure pickleball wants it’s own stadium for the crowds it draws, so it has its eye on the W. E. R. Joell Tennis Stadium…
The W. E. R. Joel Tennis Stadium should be considered a world heritage historical site… afterall it was Bermuda who introduced Tennis to the USA…
Maybe the push should be to give pickleball its place and the tennis stadium needs to become an historical Bermuda Monument… a place of history and a coming together of all walks of life in the community when we were coming out of Segregation… The further history is that the Sradium was fought for by Mr. W. E. R. Joell for the community… did he need it no, he had his own court, he wanted it for the community… he went to parliament and won it for all the people of Bermuda… to change it and allow pickleball to take over is a slap in the face of tennis and what was fought for by tennis players gone by….
Give pickleball its own place in the community… dies pickleball deserve 12 courts at Barnard Park – YES… but not at the softball diamond, not at Village field, not at the netball courts and especially not at the historical W. E. R. Joel Tennis Stadium…